“A positive physical and mental state”

There is now an abundance of evidence indicating the physical health, mental health and social benefits
of physical activity (Department of Health, 2004, Foresight, 2007). In particular, physical activity is
associated with reduced risk of coronary heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic
diseases and conditions (Department of Health, 2004).
An increasing body of research points to a positive effect of physical exercise on psychological health,
including enhanced self-esteem, improved social networks and reduced anxiety and depression (Fox
and Corbin, 1989; Martinsen, 1995; Landers, 1997; Farmer et al, 1998; Scully et al, 1998; Sonstroem et al,
1994; Pretty et al, 2003; Barton and Pretty, 2010).
Physical exercise, therefore, affects overall well-being not just physical health, with well-being defined in
the UK as “a positive physical, social and mental state; it is not just the absence of pain, discomfort and
incapacity” (Defra, 2007).
The existing evidence also indicates that the benefits of exercise, especially those relating to physical

save £800health, are in part influenced by the frequency and intensity with which an individual takes exercise (Blair
et al, 1992; Blair et al, 1995).
As a result of existing evidence the Department of Health recommends that adults should participate in
150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week, with the suggestion that this could be broken
down into 30 minutes per day over five days (Department of Health, 2011). Sport England (2010) have
adopted the rationale that the appropriate contribution from exercise to this guideline is at least three,
moderate intensity 30 minute sessions per week (three x 30). This is the threshold value for participation
in the Sport England Strategy 2008-2011 and the measure used in their Active People survey, a major
study of sports participation that has been running since 2005. There is also existing evidence to show
that three x 30 minutes per week of moderate intensity exercise alone can be sufficient to produce some
physical health benefits (Tully et al, 2007).

Redtogreen  provide an opportunity for you to break away from dangerous sedentary lifestyles .

Start to enjoy a  positive physical and mental state
