Wobble without exercises?

                             PLEASE NOTE: Before starting any new fitness programme we recommend that you consult your GP .


Are you are looking with curiosity but secretly feel you may be to apathetic or even elderly  to benifit?

Consider this .Many of our customers approached this program to wobble without exercises,

that’s fine, as redtogreen apparatus  will  help you at any level . However, redtogreen plate exercises will enhance all your efforts whatever your age and whether you want to wobble for health, general fitness or for sports reasons.

But which exercises will suit you and provide the most benefit from your redtogreen plates?

The exercises you choose will depend on why you are doing them and your age and capabilities. For example, there is quite a bit of evidence to suggest that at least for the experimental subjects in research trials, that the use of redtogreen plate exercises can improve bone mineral density in older women and help prevent falls. If you are a post menopausal women with early osteoporosis the exercises may be aimed more at improving lumbar bone density and balance but you should always check with your doctor if you think or know you have osteoporosis (see below). The use of vibro plates in sport is quite well known and will increase muscle density and tone when using conventional or explosive strength training. If you want to lose weight, vibro plate exercises can help you use up to 170 calories every 5 minutes.

Vibro plate exercises for sports enthusiasts enhance and supplement motion and stability quickly, making it ideal for warming up. The benefits are based on the stimulation of the fast-twitch muscle fibers that improve explosive strength, muscle endurance, agility and motor learning. Trainers will recommend specific training for an individual depending on their specific needs and sport. General fitness exercises may include squats and bench presses on the vibro plates.

If you are a beginner, make sure you read the manufacturers guidelines first. Also, consider that using the vibro plates gives you a much more intense than regular exercising. Aim for 10 to 20 minutes a day or whatever you can manage. DO NOT overdose, as you can weaken your muscles and undo some of the benefits. The actual amount of time on the plates will vary depending on the power of the machine, which is why you need to refer to the manufacturers guidelines as your muscles need time to recover. It may in fact be safe to use the plates for up to an hour in total per day.

Suggested exercises for beginners to tone your body include squats and stretching. For sports and body building, try the ab bridge, push-ups/planks, bicep curls and hamstring holds. Details of how to do these can be found elsewhere on the flabulator.com website.

OK, so the reason many of you will be here is for weight loss reasons as well as toning up. First, this is no miracle machine; you will need to alter your eating habits as well. Reports that using vibro plates will make you lose weight are greatly inflated – yes, they will certainly help to speed things up by improving muscle tone, but on their own, IMHO, forget it! If you like the gym, still go, the more avenues you can explore the better. If you feel you would benefit from a personal trainer, find  one. In fact, if you happen to live in say the London area, finding a London with some decent testimonials should be no problem.

Evidence from research found that an overweight group dieting and using vibro plates when followed over time, lost more weight than a group exercising using other means. However, the groups in this study were probably too small with only 15 in each group. Larger numbers would normally be required or the study replicated. However, there are probably enough studies with enough positive results for there to be some truth in the claim that vibro plates will help you lose weight and keep it off.


It is important that you speak with your doctor before using vibro plates if any of the following relate to you, as their use may aggrevate the condition. If your condition is not on the list you would also be wise to check.

You are pregnant
Have Acute/Deep vein thrombosis
Any serious cardiovascular disease
Have a pacemaker
You suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome
Have an acute hernia
Acute disc related problems
A particularly severe diabetic neuropathy
Tumors including metasatic
Any recent surgery or fresh wounds
You have gallstones, kidney or bladder stones
Acute rheumatoid arthritis
Any acute inflammations, infections or fevers
Severe migraine
Surgical metal implants
Severe osteoporosis with a BMD of less than 70mg/ml